Saturday, December 28, 2019

The History of Band Aid - 1331 Words

BRAND: HISTORY: The Band-Aid was invented in 1920 by Earle Dickson, an employee of Johnson amp; Johnson, for his wife Josephine Dickson, who frequently cut and burned herself while cooking. The prototype product allowed his wife to dress her wounds without assistance. Dickson, a Highland Park, New Jersey resident at the time, passed the idea on to his employer who then went on to produce and market the product as the Band-Aid. Dickson had a successful career at Johnson amp; Johnson, eventually becoming a Vice President at the company before his retirement in 1957. BAND AID TIMELIME: BAND AID HISTORY Entered India in 1978 INITIAL COMPETITION: Traditional ointments and the Indian belief that wounds and cuts should be kept open†¦show more content†¦Virender Sehwag, chosen as Band-Aid s brand ambassador, symbolised the very essence of what the product stood for: solid, gritty and with a never-say-die attitude under any circumstance. This tie-up kicked off a series of contests and promotions that included a special edition pack featuring the explosive cricketer. Over the years, the challenge for communication has been to shift from passive protection to active healing. Band-Aid needed to signal efficacy, demonstrate its medicinal side and shift its discourse without losing its core values. Kids have the innate desire to be active and Band-Aid makes sure that cuts and bruises will not hinder that desire The Band-Aid Goldfish campaign, launched in 2000, was a real clutter-breaking advertisement, which elevated the awareness of wash proof to new heights. Since early 2003, the brand, with its new campaign of ‘Continuous Care’, has tried to reposition itself among the target audience. The simple theme is that unlike antiseptic liquids and creams, which wear off after the initial effect, Band-Aid works on the wound non-stop. Therefore, the core value of the brand – ceaseless supervision – is emphatically stated in the baseline â€Å"Iska asar lagatar†. The Kids Snapshot film is based on this thought. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: Jamp;J has been growing the brand through innovations inShow MoreRelatedMy Favorite Recording Band Of All Time1315 Words   |  6 Pages12/6/14 My favorite recording band of all time is Queen. I grew up with their songs. My parents would play their song all the time. We would go out and I would hear queen play in the car. I learned to bond with their songs and I learned to love their music. To me their music is unique. Queen were an English rock band originally consisting of four members which were vocalist Freddie Mercury, guitaristRead MoreBand Program Essay1166 Words   |  5 Pages†¢ Freshman Band- Freshman is included in my curriculum because this allows the directors focus on the development of 9th grade students understanding of music and fundamentals. 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Unable to curtain their love for music and the torment of living under despotism, they lay off on a journey that broke all barriers of oppression and hate. Developing into the greatest rock band the world has ever seen. The most significant conflict in the universe right at present may not be between radical Islam and the West but between Islam and itself. Moderates and extremists are vying for influence and power in this ancient tradition

Friday, December 20, 2019

Bronze statue of Camillus (acolyte) Essay - 653 Words

When approaching gallery 166 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I couldn’t help but notice the magnificent sculpture of the â€Å"Bronze statue of Camillus (acolyte).† As I began to study some background information on the early Imperial period of Roman culture, one would learn that there was an evident revival. The Romans were building at a fast pace and religious sacrifices were becoming more common. Throughout this Roman period, a Camillus (male) or Camilla (female) was the freeborn child of the religious cults officiant. These young boys were selected to serve during religious ceremonies where sacrifices were customary. The sculpture was assembled to be perceived taller than it really was and stood on top of an approximately 4x4 foot†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, his right arm was at his side with his four fingers curled where he would probably be found holding a jug of wine. Movement was not only conveyed in his just upper body, as the viewer sees that his left leg is found slightly behind his right, with its knee bent and the heel off the ground. Overall, I found the sculpture to represent the generic idea of a Camillus in ancient Rome. The sculpture did a fine job symbolizing how the figures face, short hair, and body would be portrayed as an average human boy. Additionally, I think that most people would portray this figure to be a young boy from ancient Rome, particularly because of his Romanist robe and sandals. A painting that caught my eye while in the museum was â€Å"The Mass of Saint Basil† by Pierre Hubert Subleyras, which was displayed in Gallery 620. During my observation of the piece, I found qualities that matched the â€Å"Bronze statue of Camillus (acolyte).† Similar to the sculpture, the scene on the painting is held in Rome and is portraying a religious Roman ceremony. I was intrigued with the robes and open-toed sandals that the young men on the side were wearing. Not only were the outfits similar, but also the men on the side, and the sculpture of the young boy have the same short and wavy hairstyle. Both pieces are Romans in religious episodes, offering the viewer the impression that this is proper attire for the Romans during this period. Therefore,

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Project and Program Information and Communication Systems Sample

Question: Submit Literature Review of best practice models for Project and Program Information Communication Systems. Answer: Introduction Project Background The best practice model for project and program information communication systems is been discussed for a new project undertaken by the Bruns Geoff Dairy Services developed as a small enterprise under the Australian Small business Ombudsman (ASBEFO). The practices of every organization are changing with the tides of time and technology, making the small businesses to grow larger and employ more and more people in its folds. Project Objectives and Justification The way the projects undertaken are being handled along with the practices adopted for communication of information through technology to enhance the business growth and prosperity is being discussed. The practices that yields the best results for the business and are proven with time and its efficient delivery is most competent for the business are the best practices. The models which suites the business and its outputs are considered as the best practices for the business (Schwalbe, 2015). Assumptions and Constrains The assumptions made in this case are that the person in the business knows the use of internet tools and its use in the business and feed the data in real time. Further, the stakeholders of the businesses or clients that the dairy caters to are integrated in the business loop via the business apps built by the firm to receive the real time data for its further use. The constrain in the case is that the level of knowledge needed for each people or roll in the business is assumed and is not the universal one to be considered that its the best model to be used (Burke, 2013). 2. Literature Review Overview of the Project Information Tools The business of Bruns Geoff Dairy Services uses the android based apps for the clients and the people in the business as it is cheap and is the most used data platform via internet tools that is associable via mobile phones. The inputs from various sources are gathered to let the leaders in the business have an inward look into the business and develop the plans likewise. Factors for Information Management The organization develops a course of action to be taken for with the entire project is been studied for the details like the skills required. Planning of how many people with along with skills and the necessary tools and technology needed for the best business productivity and services are to be ensured, before the execution. The project management role and competencies are to be ensured first before executing any practice. The next step would be to put the right man in the right place to do what they are expected to do and develop strategies and plans for further execution. A knowledge base and support portal which knows the job and is experienced has to monitor each and every step of this processes and make assessments to do further improvements (Meredith et. al., 2013). The business can use to assess the demands of the market to schedule its production. The people and the stakeholders too gets involved in this web of technology where the information flow is smooth and the people knows what needs to be done and when for the targeted results. The fist objective of the business would be to get all the people in the project come into the look for the needed to happen. Thus the practices that the business needs to adopt have to be the one which has a proven track of best business outcome. The project management information system (PMIS) is the information system that is developed within the business to give the business managers a real life feed of business data to take appropriate decisions on time. The leader of the firm in his level maty implements the needful communication for the production demands for the people to get involved. They may also use this tool to project their intuitions so that the sales can make strategies in short and long term accordingly. The business scheduling tools like cattle feeding or washing time, milking times, output per animal etc are the data that is been fed to get the results as per the business expectations and also to make the needed forecasts for the time to come (Patanakul Shenhar, 2 012). Control and Flow of Information Information and Communication technology is the extended term for the modern day technology of Information Technology (IT). The role of IT business is diverse as on date and its integration has made the businesses more competitive to excel in their sector. The business can draw the needed market information along with results of various other markets along with knowledge of the business subject, in this case dairy farming. All these makes the business more integrated in its people to people communication both internally and externally. The internal communication in the business deals with the business operations along with market trend forecasting through the live data of various retails inline. The sales and demand figures are displayed in real time to the business chief to make them competent to take the needful decisions for the problems (Bardach Patashnik, 2011). The monitoring of the project application on ground is done with the intake of data from various sources and the failure of overall planning or parts of it along with execution for best implications can be monitored with the data the projects generates with expected targets. The people at all levels have to have a control to the business data on an keed to know bases where the feed for the shift are in accordance to the hierarchy. Thus the monitoring abilities give the business to recover from the changes or deviation of the project plan as per the need. Hence the design of the data base is important to make the monitoring be done on the right aspects to generate the best results (Papke-Shields Boyer-Wright, 2017). Sources and Types of Information Management The Information Technology and its association with business is since 1980s and till now it has seen enormous amount of growth and reformation. This has effected and was also effective due to the enhanced communication and satellite technologies. The availability of this technology in the hand held gadgets like Smartphone has made it successful and makes information reach people with ease. The communication between the different levels and the knowledge that each needs to know are made evident to the people in the business for the results to come as per the expected lines. The transactions in the business finance world have seen a great deal of reform since then. Further, internet portals via IT have reached the gadgets which makes real time monitoring possible with effective use. The complications of the old age problems of forecasting along with payments and transactions have been made easy with it. The knowledge portals of the organization have to be maintained in a way that people in the business knows what is happening and do the needful to make all aware of the job that they do which is helpful for the dairy workers to enhance their knowledge for better business performance (Zuppo, 2013). The communication is a both sided game where the internal and external consumers of the business interacts. The business sets the level of communication managing who can see what and where. Eugene Bardach (2011) gives the best or smart practice analysis with an eightfold path. The suggestion is to develop realistic expectations when seeking for the best practices as the practices may have its own strength and weaknesses which if not checked may produce unfavourable results. Analyzing smart practices to see if the practices have achieved the objectives set to get the smart goals in place. The analysis gives the indication of the success or failure of the practices which may make the leaders of the business change course of action as and how and when needed. The efficiency of the practices to achieve the goals for the business is important where the observations of the practices are needed. The mechanism should be able to give the business the ability of generating competence with the ability and means of goal achievement with cost competence. The vulnerabilities of the business may lead to fall of smart prices (Schipper Silvius, 2017). The communication technology gives a good clue for the business stakeholders to point out the bump ahead to keep the business prepared for it which is also a necessity brought in by Communication technology. After observing the process the suitability of the process is determined and adopted as the smart practice in a business which may change if the circumstance demands it to. Further, Kerzner (2013) explores the issues pertaining to completeness and comparability which in a technical way suggests if the practice is the best one or not. Thus in the view of business comparative process in terms of methodologies the best practices has to prove its worth to be adopted by the business as its best practices. Thus the comparative sampling of the process of various businesses in the same sector is advised for the selection of the best methodology for a business model in a business to be established. However, Fleischmann (2012) suggests that the leader should have both the technical as well as leadership skills to manage the interactions for a successful project management. So each individual role is selected which is needed for the businesses best outcomes along with legal needs as per the laws are done to access who is responsible for what. The training needs too get exposed along with the need for best skill set generation for the business needs can be arranged. The career path of the personnel in the process sees growth along with the growth of the business. The project team need to have the knowledge of the process which are undertaken to give the best support to the process. The development of the people as per the needed feedback of the consumers and the needs as studied through communication technology helps in making them competent to lead the future business. This gives the people in the team to have the resources needed to be competent and deliver (Fleischmann, 2012). Communication Flowchart with Tools The flow of the project is dependent on the way the aspects of the project are occurring. Any problem occurring in the project can be resolved with active communication between the people concerned in that part of the execution. The best way to reach is via voice call and in the field of the execution like healthcare for cattle, arranging the best nutrients for the cattle and determining the dairy output as per the previous day or shifts records can be shared in among the employees with effective use of technology making the predictions come from all sources which furthermore makes the decision of forecasting stronger for the leader. The lack of information may be the case of delay or ineffective process leading to troubles in the process. However, information do not surpass the management or leadership as it has to be executed for the best of business use by the leader where the information has to direct to actions (Rontos et. al., 2014). The Project Managers Role Roles The interactivity of the business with other stakeholders had been made easy by the smart technology if IT. The real time inputs from the stakeholders makes the business forecast well and manages the internal communication for the best business outcomes. The use of technology is however dependent on the kind of business that is been done and what suites the purpose the best which is developed for the business by the project manager as per the needs and wants along with ability of people to use it in mind. The grievance within the team during the project as well as gathering the necessary arrangements in the process of operations all can be assisted by communication with good use of IT. The interactivity is made simple with Mobile phone apps along with back up supports for all kind of devices making the data to accumulate. These data can be used by the business in the long term to access the business conditions as well as forecast based on past trends (Oviawe, 2016). The businesses use information for a host of its needs like understanding its own stand in the market compared to competitors, have the forecasting well done to have lean and cost effective production line and maintain the demand with supply and arrange production likewise. The businesses also do recognize the market changes from the real time data to develop the best policies as per the business strengths to make cost effective process for best outcome. The process within the business also needs a free and fare assessments where the employees in the team have to be clear of the objectives and thus schedule the processes likewise. Its a process which makes the entire business mechanism work with a smooth flow and better value to offer in the process to the end uses (Heagney, 2016). The hierarchy of information can be chosen with the business needs which would be translated by the manager or supervisor to let know the people of the expectations and the response mechanism in the busine ss. Communication and Information Coordination The value of the information is another aspect which the leader knows the best. The information to be used to make the decision or not is up to the leader so the information value is subjective to the outcomes post execution. The businesses have external and internal information to plan its course of action ahead. The control of information is the aspect which the leader decides upon the hierarchy along with the status of the communication like external or internal. The external and internal communications are different as for the business is concerned. The work environment is also been made collaborative in the internal communications where the information has to flow and the leader makes a plan for it. The collaborative atmosphere with the use of information and communication can make the project go in the right direction with the mutual collaboration (LaLone and Tapia, 2016). The vast corporate knowledge along with competitors assessments can make the team know what is expected an d they can form opinion and give their views to make it possible for business to execute. Best Practices Planning and Control of Policies The project management information systems can be best used with the people who have previous exposure to the information systems and are aware of the modern day technology of mobile internet. The mobile internet is a great source to make the people in the business now and learn about their subject to develop the skills further and be productive for the business. Every project has its unique set of information use and need. Nevertheless, the business has to decide what information to take and what not as formal set of information or as informal. The plan of the project at every stage has to be set with information flow mode where the feed can be manually done from distant places in real time to give the business an idea of the future. Transactions are held with IT making the business concentrate on the production and distribution more in its growth stages (Klimova, 2015). Recommendations The business processes along with the stakeholders have a great role in making the right things happen with time. The social media for an example is a source of informal information and can be formally used the business for promotion. Further the role of the project execution monitoring via communication systems and more is also possible with the right use of the information and communication technology. The data base for the use of business is the priority as the need and use of data along with controls are to be devised by the business leader to make the project successful (Martinelli Milosevic, 2016). Ethical Considerations All the ethical considerations are kept intact where the information of the business and the needful data are sourced from the publicly available sources and published data from past studies. No information is been used for any commercial benefits and has been used for the studies strictly (Turner, 2016). References Bardach, E. Patashnik, E. (2011).A practical guide for policy analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Burke, R. (2013). Project management: planning and control techniques.New Jersey, USA. Fleischmann, A. (2012).Subject-oriented business process management. Heidelberg: Springer. Heagney, J. (2016).Fundamentals of project management. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Kerzner, H. (2013).Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Klimova, B. (2015). Teaching and Learning Enhanced by Information and Communication Technologies.Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 186, 898-902. LaLone, N. Tapia, A. (2016). Fluctuations, technologies and media: social change and sociology change.Information, Communication Society, 19(5), 559-564. Martinelli, R. J., Milosevic, D. Z. (2016).Project management toolbox: tools and techniques for the practicing project manager. John Wiley Sons. Meredith, J. R., Mantel Jr, S. J., Shafer, S. M. (2013).Project management in practice. Wiley Global Education. Oviawe, J. (2016). Information and Communication Technology in Technical Education.Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 3(5). Papke-Shields, K. E., Boyer-Wright, K. M. (2017). Strategic planning characteristics applied to project management.International Journal of Project Management,35(2), 169-179. Patanakul, P., Shenhar, A. J. (2012). What project strategy really is: The fundamental building block in strategic project management.Project Management Journal,43(1), 4-20. Rontos, K., Nagopoulos, N. Flora, T. (2014). Social Elites and New Communication Methods/Information Technologies: The Digital Divide.Archives of Business Research, 2(5), 29-46. Schipper, R., Silvius, G. (2017). The Sustainable Project Management Canvas.The Journal of Modern Project Management,4(3). Schwalbe, K. (2015).Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Snijders, P., Wuttke, T., Zandhuis, A. and Newton, S. (2013).PMBOK Guide. 1st ed. Zaltbommel: Van Haren Publishing. Turner, R. (2016).Gower handbook of project management. Routledge. Zuppo, C. (2013). Defining ICT in a Boundaryless World: The Development of a Working Hierarchy.International Journal of Managing Information Technology, 4(3), pp.13-22.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Dynamic Capabilities and Reinvention of Business †Free Samples

Question: Diascuss about the Dynamic Capabilities and Reinvention of Business. Answer: Introduction Business acquisition is the process adopting another company to build strength or weakness of acquiring another company. There are different advantage of business acquisition which includes the building of technologies that are present in other companies, increase of economies of scale and many others. Many businesses tend to thrive after going through acquisition since they are able to consolidate all the powers, resources, and customers. In todays business world, there are improved business operations that have gone through tremendous technological change such using online platforms to reach the targeted customers. The move aided by the high rate use of the internet from the individual to business arena. The online business operation is also known as electronic commerce. The paper therefore examines the business and technical issues faced by Asif the founder of FlashMobz mobile retailer in acquiring of PhoneRus outlet. The paper further examines the process of transition of the com pany from the conventional method to the new technological method known as e-commerce. Every business tends to face challenges when transforming from one type of business to another or transferring from one country to another (Cirjevskis, 2017). The principal business challenges that FlashMobz faced in an acquisition of the PhneRus are numerous and include the following; communication challenges that resulted from the employee's differences. When Asif bought the PhoneRus, the employees were never laid down and, therefore bringing together the staffs to work together with the teams at the FlashMobz was not an easy task as there were different business cultural behavior. Inadequate information among the employees created distrust among the employees hence leading to lower engagement (Coate, 2013). Therefore, to overcome this, it was essential to keep all employees from both the business with constant information to build and regaining the loss of transparency and trust. The second challenge was the retention of employees. Many at times when company comes together or merg e best employees tend to resign or leave as a result of the negative attitude felt by the employees. It was a tough decision for Asif to identify and decide on who stays and who goes since those that were skilled and best in their work were not willing to go away unlike those that were not performing very well. The situation was dilemmatic since Asif was likely to lose all the employees. The staffs negative attitudes that developed as a result of uncertainty of the leadership, future, job security, negative perceptions of the leadership style (Le et al., 2014). The acquisition of the PhoneRus by Asif brought different organizational changes that led to stress anxiety and conflict of roles by the staffs. Meaning, Asif had to work proactively to maintain and regain the trust of the best employees from phones. Asif faced the organizational cultural differences as the employees from the phones had entire different organizational culture as they were not ready to replace the culture to c onform with the FlashMobzs. Therefore was very important to carry out the culture survey to understand the similarities and differences between the two corporate cultures. The third business challenge that Asif met was inadequate of supply incurred by customers from the products supplied by PhoneRus as the employee's performance had reduced during the acquisition process. The electronic commerce is all about business; therefore, an efficient usage is called for to achieve the business goals (Guzzo et al., 2016). The principal business issues resulting from transformations include change of the marketing strategy, improvement of the marketing and competition, the cost incurred and the measure of the success. The technical issues that FlashMobz is like to face when is transforming to the e-commerce include the change of the technology, security issues, transactions changes and marketplace set up. The company will meet a dramatic shift in technology as it is transforming from the traditional commerce is characterizable by the face-face involvement of customers and seller at all stages of the transaction (Boateng, 2016). The company, therefore, will have to acquire new technological equipment such as the desktop, internet providers and set up the social network platforms to enable the success of the traditional method of operation to the new internet usag e business. The business suffered challenges of poor customer care as many customers issues went unnoticed during the first few days. The problem caused by a large number of messages that are streaming in the companys website due to a large number of internet subscribers. When customers issues go without reply by the company, they tend to get bored and feel unappreciated that might result from a shift of customers attention. Asif overcomes the organizational cultural difference through creating a transition period to enable the migration of the existing PhoneRus practices to the FlashMobz practices. During this time, there was excellent communication from Asif highlighting every staff's concern, questions and assuring them of the support that they would need. During that stage, Asif sets a date that all the old structures will cease to operate and when the time that the newly introduced mechanism will take off then communicated to the staff (McCourt, Low, Tappin, 2017). The second stage is ensuring an excellent training to the acquired teams so that they conform to the practices and protocol of the new organization. It is advisable to offer training to the old staffs on the changes that are about to occur. For example the accounting officer making the required changes like in the financial reports and the information technology officer, gaining more training on the new technical ideas brought in. The te chnical challenges that faced FlashMobz in transiting into e-commerce are the problem of addressing the internal transitional changes that required Asif to make several implementation processes such as proper internal planning and education of the existing staffs. The company has to offer delivery services. Just like the traditional commerce that involves either business to customer, or business to business, e-commerce too includes both processes conducted over the electronic networks due to the increased network usage (Luterbach, Rodriguez, Love, 2012). Electronic commerce entails aspects such as EDI, EDI on the internet, email on the internet, shopping on the World Wide Web, product sales and service on the web, electronic banking, and fund transfer and outsourced customer and employee care operations (Bateng, 2016). Many companies across the globe have found that B2Ce- commerce is currently a natural way of making sales since it is more efficient and cost-efficient in all business transaction. The process of e-commerce allows the buyers to make the inquiry about the products, review the products, place orders, and receive the products and service through the online. On the other hand, the e-commerce enables the seller to advertise the products, receive the orders, collect the paymen ts, deliver the products electronically, improve on the marketing strategy, and provide customer care electronically. The internet commerce allows easy access to the global market since the FlashMobz can reach new customers and create the more close relationship with all the customers. The constant communication with the customers tends to build a long-term relationship .There are a lot of differences between the electronic commerce and the traditional commerce in that the conventional trade has a lot of more personalized engagement in all stages of the business transaction. While the e-commerce focuses on the use of internet or any other form of communication, pulls up together all the activities that are involved in the business transactions through the use of the automated transactions process and communication technology. Numerous advantages benefit organizations that are operating on the online internet such as a large number of customers, competitive marketing strategies, constant communication with customers and many others. However, some challenges faced by the business that is looking forward to embracing the system. For example, FlashMobz having built a brand name through the face to face engagement with customers faced different challenges when it went into the online platform. Some of the obstacles that FlashMobz faced include; customers mistrust on the companys website as a result of extensive online frauds. A large number of people tends to create accounts with the names of personnel or enterprises and impersonates to be the official. The crime has led to many customers losing a large sum of money. Therefore however much the company might be the best and create the sophisticated website, customers would not automatically trust the Website. In absences of trust, sales are unlikely to follow. To overcome this, a good website with specific features such as the picture of the physical location of the store, the phone numbers, names and photographs of contact personnel. Customers testimonials added on the blog-post as they tend to spread the right image of the company. All these help to boost on the customer trust on the website. The e-commerce has disadvantages such as limited personal contact that most business and customers uses. Without proper usage of the social media platforms most companies lose the virtue of having the relationship; therefore it requires a consistent update and replies to the customer's comments to keep them close. Inadequate information about e-commerce business in regards to the laws, administrative, customs procedures, and customs duties on return and administrative problems. In most cases, the legal situation is always uncertain Barriers. Some states still help in facilitating the business while other always put massive regulations that must be observable. Another barrier is the shortage of staffs well versed with the media platforms since the existing teams might only be good in the traditional business operations. Lack of such skilled staff will mean that the company will have to recruit more staffs or take the existing teams of training to drop the prevailing ideology and attit ude of we always do it this way. They will acquire new skills. Most of the online businesses are prone to the hackers who at times post unethical issues about the industry, that spell disaster on the customers trust. At times, the customer's credit cards and personal information compromised and even find your website blocked. These issues are resolved through consistent password alteration. The main barrier to e-commerce is the high venture capital needed, unlike the traditional business operations (Grewal, 2014). The new technologies needed to operate the e-commerce is high at the start of the business and the long time is always spent on online trying to catch the attention of the customers who do not always turn around to the online shopping. The long time spent on the internet and the high costs of buying the items tend to shy away from small business that is unprepared Guzo et al., 2016). Logistics issues always affect the entry of a business to the e-commerce as the products delivery varies from the geographical location of both the supplier and the customer. Inefficiencies of international delivery companies make it difficult to do business with customers that are far away. It is not always evident that the companies name will automatically conform with the product during the transition to the e-commerce (Yi-Fen, 2016). Therefore numerous Logistical changes are v ery critical to the developing e-commerce business enterprises to facilitate the delivery of the items within the stipulated time and maintain the customer's trust. Language is another common hindrance to the transition of the business to the e-commerce as it hinders the access information and participation with the followers on a particular social media that have different cultural bases E-Commerce is very advantageous, and Asif should consider that should consider the extent of the benefits in case of adoption of the e-commerce. The advantages include the removal of long queues caused by a large number of customers that require service from the retail shop. The issue is resolvable by the fact that the online stores always opened throughout the day and night (Guzzo et al., 2016). Therefore it is possible to make engagement with the customers all the time unlike the traditional where working hours appropriately stipulated hence blocking customer would make inquiries past the time. The second reason is the capability of the company to expand and sell to international customers that are beyond England and Belgium due to the ability to discover audience globally. As a result, the total sales of the company increase. The third reason is the ability to continue with the personalized engagement from the traditional commerce into the e-commerce through the creation of differ ent platforms managed with qualified personnel. The creation of an email list based on the purchase made location and the total money spent y customer. The website is customizable to have an ad that appears whenever a customer logs in such as welcome back indicating the name. The customized ad assures the customer that the business knows him/her personally. The fourth reason is that e-commerce encourages impulse buying since the catchy images attract customers who are browsing. The platform offers a better way of tracking and retargeting the customers with Facebook pixel. Apart from the advantages, there are disadvantages too associated with e-commerce. These include the inability of a customer to make purchases when there is a crash on the website, another problem I the failure of customers trial before making purchase making many people avoid engaging in the online shopping with fear of making the wrong choice, buying inferior goods or even being conned. By comparison of the above advantages and disadvantages, it is evidential that the companies that engage in the e-commerce reap more than those that have not embraced the technology. The business organization acquires and merges one another to improve the basic functionality that results in improved sales and returns. The organizations may extend the market command through transiting into e-commerce. Many organizations have thrived because of the transition of the business activities from the traditional methods of the new technological process. However, during the transition, there are always some challenges faced regarding both business and technology. Cloud computing is the ability to access file storage, applications, and collaboration tools from any point by the use of the internet. It is an aspect that has been adopted in several ways to promote collaborative learning among students. For instance, it allows sharing learning materials such as lesson plan, topic information, and presentations with students. In other words, cloud computing allows collaborative learning environment that is extended beyond the classroom. As a result, learners and teachers can work in groups irrespective of their geographical locations or distance between them. It thus allows learning institutions in different states, countries, or districts, to create partnerships and collaborate with the aim of increasing student engagement and improving learning. As a result, cloud computing has been adapted to bridge learners and classrooms globally. With the discovery and development of cloud computing, collaborative learning can be adopted by students and educators in several ways. According to Hsiao-Chi et al. (2016), collaborating learning is possible as long as the user has an internet connecting to enable them access information stored in the clouds. The same study denotes that the increase in the use of digital devices such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets have allowed for an extensive adoption of digital tools such as Google App. Such tools are essential in saving essential documents and sharing files between learners as well as the teachers, an aspect that has proven cloud computing to be very reliable and accessible provided there is an internet connection. Students are hence able to access relevant learning materials through their phones. In other words, cloud computing has enabled collaborative education to be in the forefront in embracing technology with the aim of ensuring that students have instant and simple a ccess to files and collaborative learning materials. With the advancement in technology, the word has developed into a small village. Technology has been adopted in various aspects of life such as health, education, and business among other vital industries that use technology. Integrating technology in education is found to have several benefits to the learners. Cloud computing is among the newest technology that offers a collaborative environment that extends beyond a confined classroom. As an information system professional, the use of cloud computing still offers me the chance to advance my studies irrespective of my geographical position. According to Hsiao-Chi, Pei-Di, Yi-Fen, and Chia-Wen (2016), cloud computing allows exceptional and new learning experiences to be made available for both learners and tutors. Since classroom learning has been primed for dynamic and dramatic improvements, it is a system that I can adopt in the future to advance my studies online even when am still working. Focusing on its use in the organizational context, cloud computing is easy to access. As a result, lab reports, education lesson plans, notes on different subjects, and grades or related powerpoint slides can be accessed easily just like any other digital material that can be accessed through the internet. These materials are essential teaching materials and will be vital to both current and future organizations when they can be accessed and used at will. According to Hsiao-Chi et al. (2016), the continuous advancement in technology is in future expected to become more stable, an aspect that will make it more reliable for use in different industries and service providers globally. As a result, businesses will have the ability to tap the use of cloud computing services for the advancement of service delivery just as it has been proven to offer classroom education. It also gives the students access to information should anything happen that can lead to the loss of data or information s uch as the fire that would destroy the traditional storage systems in a manner that they could not be easily recovered. References Boateng, R. (2016). Resources, Electronic-Commerce Capabilities and Electronic-Commerce Benefits: Conceptualizing the Links. Information Technology For Development, 22(2), 242-264. doi:10.1080/02681102.2014.939606. ?irjevskis, A. (2017). Acquisition based dynamic capabilities and reinvention of business models: bridging two perspectives together. 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